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collective farming.

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Q: Under Stalin the Soviet agricultural economy changed to what form?
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What was started under Stalin to improve the soviet unions economy?

industrial and agricultural revolutions

What was started under Stalin to improve soviet union economy?

industrial and agricultural revolutions

What started under Stalin to improve the soviet unions economy?

industrial and agricultural revolutions

Why did Stalin implement these programs?

Stalin hoped to improve the Soviet economy

How was Joseph Stalin different from other totalitarianism rulers of his time?

He fully controlled the Soviet economy.

Stalin's attempt to improve the soviet economy?

5 years plan

What was the impact of Stalin's economic policies on the soviet union?

it impose a better economy

Which best describes the soviet union under Joseph Stalin's economic policy's?

Agricultural disaster

Which best describes the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin's economic policies?

Agricultural disaster

What were Joseph Stalin's political goals?

Joseph Stalin's political goals were to consolidate the Red Army. He also wanted to rebuild the economy of the Soviet Union.

Quickly turning the USSR from an agricultural to an industrial economy was?

Stalin's ive year plan

Did the Soviet Union undergo a forced transformation from an agricultural to an industrial economy under Mikhail Gorbachev?

False. The Soviet Union underwent a forced transformation from an agricultural to industrial economy 60 years before Gorbachev - under Stalin. Read all about it on Wiki Answers. Gorbachev is known for quite a different transformation of Russia: from an administrative command economic system and totalitarian society (loosely referred to as Communist) to a democratic society and market economy.