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In the early years of America, not all citizens above the age of 21 were allowed to vote. Women were not allowed to vote until 1920. The Fifteenth Amendment granted black men the right to vote in 1870.

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Q: True or false in the early years of America all citizens above the age of 21 were allowed to vote?
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What are the challenges for early Chinese in America?

Although the Chinese brought cheap labour to America as coolies, they were often discriminated against. resulting in racist stereotypes like that of Fu Manchu. Many whites thought that they would lower the American standard of living. The Chinese men that came over were not allowed to bring their families to America; and if they left America, they were not allowed to come back. Also, up till 1965, Chinese were not allowed to marry whites, resulting in the Chinese men dying alone in a foreign land.

Were gauls Roman citizens?

Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.Some were Roman citizens and some were not. It all depended on the time frame. The early Gauls were not citizens but later many towns gained citizenship with even senators and other magistrates being Gauls.

Who were the early Americans?

They were people who lived in the early ages of america

How long did the colonists last in America?

The colonists created a foundation in the early 16 and 1700's which allowed the country to establish itself and therefore, everything they created is still here including their descendants.

Early irrigation allowed what to be farther from rivers?


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Who voted in early America?

In early America, the only people allowed to vote were white men that owned land.

Was New Jersey the first state to allow blacks to vote?

Apparently, New Jersey allowed women, free black citizens, and even non-citizens voting rights that met property requirements, requirements that were pretty low at the time as far back as 1776. Early America allowed for states to have more power than the federal government.

What was the policy regarding Native Americans and citizenship?

During the early 1800s Study Island:Native Americans were not allowed to become U.S. citizens.

Who could vote in early America?

In the early years of Colonial America, only white, male, landowners could vote.

Which states allowed slavery in early America?

the answer is Texas, louisisana, Mississippi, Georgia,Virginia,South Carolina

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