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It was Ichiro Suzuki

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Q: Top ten longest home runs in MLB ever?
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Who has the longest home run in MLB history?

The longest home run that can be verified was hit by Babe Ruth. It went an estimated 575 feet. Many hitters have hit home runs that may be longer, but the distance was not or could not be verified.

Who has the longest home run avg in mlb history?

The longest home run that can be verified was hit by Babe Ruth. It went an estimated 575 feet. Many hitters have hit home runs that may be longer, but the distance was not or could not be verified.

Who has hit more than 4 home runs in a game?

No one has ever hit more than 4 home runs in single game in the MLB.

Who hit the most home runs on the Red Sox ever?

Ted Williams hit 521 home runs in his MLB career, all of which was spent with the Boston Red Sox.

Which ball travels father a golf ball or baseball?

Golf ball. The longest home runs by MLB players are about 500 feet. That's about 170 yards, which is about half as far as the longest drives by professional golfers.

Who has more Homer in MLB?

Barry Bonds has the most home runs in the MLB.

Who has the most home runs in MLB?

Jose bautista

Which MLB player has hit the most home runs in 2009?

Mark texiera, with 39 home runs

How many home runs did Ralph kiner hit?

Ralph had 369 career MLB home runs.

What is the MLB career home run record?

The MLB home run record is held by Barry Bonds with 762 home runs.

How many home runs does Barry Bonds have in his MLB career?

Barry Bonds hit 762 home runs and has the most ever. (H. Aaron (755), B. Ruth (714) and W. Ways (660) etc...)

Who had the most home runs in mlb for a regular seaon?

Hank Aaron had the most home runs for a regular season.