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You're kidding, right?

You have a key?....hold the key in hand (left or right)...go to the rear of the, the other way...where there are those big red lights in the back of the car. Go around to the center of the rear of the''ll see a license plate on the back....its that little square plate that has some letters and numbers stamped on it...just off to the right of that thing, you'll see a round,, black circle around what appears to be a key hole.

Remember that key you were holding in your hand (left or right)? Stick the small end of that key into the key hole slot in the center of that black hole. Turn the little key to the right and push the key towards the front of the car...

The trunk should pop up. Or, you should also be able to use your remote key , if you still have it. If that doesn't work, call MB roadside assistance...its a free service to you, as an owner.

Hell, how can you not know how to open the trunk...unless you locked your keys in it....

...the less a-hole answer would be:

The key hole for the trunk is ALSO a push button release. When you turn the key to the LEFT, it unlocks and becomes the release button for the trunk.

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Q: To open trunk on 1991 Mercedes Benz 300 sl?
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