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Lots of people have had similar sentiments, but that quote is attributed to George Santayana.

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George Santayana

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Q: To know your future you must first know your past?
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Who said to understand the future you must know the past?

Tyler Maret

What is the past tense and future tense of know?

The past tense of know is knew, and the future tense is will know.

How can you know your future if you don't know your past?

the past has been, the future will be done. do we really need to know the past to know the future? If we knew the exact date of Christopher Columbus would that change the future? You don't know what matters from the past enough to know how it will affect the future.

Why is the quote Without libraries what have we we have no past and no future helpful for people to know?

i don't know because im a first grader

How do we learn from our past?

To learn from our past, we must first pick out where we made mistakes and how we faltered. From there, we identify how we could have done better so as not to make the same mistakes in future.

You should know your past to make your future better?

you should know the mistakes you made in your past, so it means don't make the same mistakes again in order to have a future's better past.

Who said to understand the present you must first study the past?

Confucius, the Chinese philosopher, is often credited with the quote: "Study the past if you would define the future." This quote emphasizes the importance of learning from history in order to make informed decisions and shape the future.

What is the difference between past and future participles?

First of all know what is participles . The third form of the verb is called a participles. So in the mode of tenses it will be changed . With present tense it is present participle and with future tense it will be future participle.

What is correct must be run or must be ran?

It's 'must be run' because if it were to be 'must be ran' you would be talking in the past tense! -- another answer -- We don't have enough information for a definitive answer If the sentence refers to the present or the future then it is "must be run". If the sentence refers to the past then it is "must have been run" or "must have run". It would help to know the full sentence into which this phrase is to be placed.

Why is it important to know the past?

As the great philosopher Georges Santayana said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it". In other words, if you understand your past history you can learn from your mistakes and not repeat them in the future. However this also means you can learn from your successes and endeavour in future to use the same techniques where possible to ensure future success.

What is the future participle of know?

There is no such thing as a future participle.The past participle is known and the present participle is knowing.

What are the release dates for First In - 2008 The Past Present and Future 1-10?

First In - 2008 The Past Present and Future 1-10 was released on: USA: 25 November 2009