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The Pope hoped that the Eastern Church (Orthodox) and Western Church (Catholic) would be reunited as a result of the Crusades.

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Q: The pope hoped the. would br reunited as a result of the crusades?
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The Pope hoped the what would be reunited as a result of the Crusades.?

He hoped that the Eastern Church (Orthodox) and Western Church (Catholic) would be reunited.

The Pope hoped the what would be reunited as a result of the Crusades?

He hoped that the Eastern Church (Orthodox) and Western Church (Catholic) would be reunited.

Which empire did the pope hoped would be reunited as a result of the Crusades.?

eastern orthodox and roman catholic church

The Pope hoped the would be reunited as a result of the Crusades.?

He hoped that the Eastern Church (Orthodox) and Western Church (Catholic) would be reunited.

What did the Catholic Church hope that the crusades would accomplish?

The Catholic Church hoped that the Crusades would help to reclaim Jerusalem and other holy sites in the Holy Land from Muslim control, as well as unite Christians under a common cause and strengthen the Church's authority.

A sentence for hoped?

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The united state officials hoped that the Bay of Pigs would result in what?

An overthrow of Cuba's regime.

How would you use hope in a sentence?

I hoped you would ask. I hoped to go with you. I hoped to die, but not any more. I hoped for money and my wish came true.

One fact about the crusades?

A fact about the crusades is that people went on the crusades because Pope Urban told them that they would be forgiven for their sins and tht they would automatically go to Heaven.

United state officials hoped that the bay of pigs invasion would result in?

the overthrow of the Cuban government and the control of whole Cuba, but they fail immediately.

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i have no idea i hoped you would know i have no idea i hoped you would know