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Q: The nationalist Giuseppe Garibaldi led a failed revolution to free?
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The nationalist Giuseppe Garibaldi led a failed revolution to free from Austrian control in 1848.?


What country was failed to be freed by a revolution led by Giuseppe Garibaldi?

the Republic of Rio Grande do Sul, which is part of Brazil

What source of conflict between Garibaldi and Cavour?

Garibaldi and Cavour had differing opinions on how Italy should be unified. Garibaldi and his Red Shirts wanted a democracy, whereas, Cavour favored a monarchy. In the end, Garibaldi failed and Cavour was able to unify Italy under the Sardinian crown.

Nationalist rebellions in Egypt and India were similar because .?

both failed initially but laid the groundwork for future independence.

Was the Hungarian revolution successful?

The 1956 revolution failed because Hungary was invaded by the USSR. The 1989 revolution was successful.

Did Egypt revolution success?

no,it failed very badly

Why did the revolution failed?

Because of disunity,jealous and envy.

How was the US involved in the revolution?

The US was involved in the Cuban Revolution because the tried to overthrow Castro. But they failed miserably.

Which areas of the country failed to profit from the Industrial Revolution?

florida and califorina

The July Revolution in France and the Belgian nationalist revolt succeeded in part because each had the support of a strong middle class Why did most of the other revolutions fail?

Other revolutions failed because the revolutionaries were unable to unite themselves or their nation. Conservatives regained their nerve and power and were able to suppress these revolutions, too.

What hapend after non cooperation movement?

Well the movement failed and everyone disbanded from the revolution. This revolution is important because sparks the next Indian revolution which is successful.

What happens when a revolution fails?

The failed revolutionaries may pay with their lives for treason.