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1200 to 1535; Spanish

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Q: The inca civilization lasted from before it was conquered by the?
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Who did Pizarro conquered?

"Who did Pizzaro conquer" thats how you write it...and he conquered the Inca civilization

How long did the Incas civilization last?

The Inca Empire last from about 1438 to 1532. It reached its height about 1527. The civilization lasted from the early 13th century until it was conquered by the Spanish in 1572.

Did the Spanish conquer the Maya before or after they conquered the Inca?

They were conquered after the Inca

Who was the Spanish explorer that conquered the Inca?

The Spanish explorer who conquered the Inca empire was Francisco Pizarro. He led the conquest of the Inca Empire in the early 16th century, resulting in the downfall of the Inca civilization.

What country conquered the Maya Inca and Aztic empires?

Spain conquered the Inca and Aztec Empires. By the time of European arrival, the Mayan civilization had imploded four centuries prior.

What explorer conquered the Inca people in south American?

The Inca people were conquered by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro in 1533. Pizarro led a small army of soldiers to defeat the Inca Empire and captured their leader Atahualpa, ultimately leading to the downfall of the Inca civilization.

Who did pizzaro explore for?

Francisco Pizarro explored South America, specifically the Inca Empire in search of riches and fame. He conquered the Inca civilization, leading to the fall of the Inca Empire in 1533.

What time period did the Inca empire get conquered?

Around 1572, which is around the downfall of their civilization. Also try Wikipedia.

What date did the Inca civilization start?

The Inca Civilization lasted for three hundred years from the 13th to the 16th century. Getting a true picture of Inca history is difficult because the Incas had no written language and passed their history down orally from one generation to the next.

How did the Inca and Aztec civilization differ during the postclassical era?

The Inca created a politically unified empire, while the Aztecs granted more independence to conquered territories.

Where was the capital of the Inca civilization?

The capital of the Inca civilization was Cusco, located in modern-day Peru.

Why did Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire?

Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire in the 16th century primarily for the wealth of resources, particularly gold and silver, that the empire possessed. He also sought to spread Christianity and expand Spanish influence in the region. Pizarro's conquest ultimately contributed to the downfall of the Inca civilization.