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Most power remained with the state governments.

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Q: The government created by the articles of confederation was unsuccessful at solving many major problems because?
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What was one of the problems with the Articles of Confederation?

One of the major problems with the Articles of Confederation was the fact that the government had difficulty raising revenue. This made for a very weak central government.

What was a problem for the national government under the articles of confederation was?

Under the Articles of Confederation Congress depended on donations from the states to operate which caused problems for the national government.

What did people talk about at the constitutional convention?

A new government

What were domestic problems of the articles of confederation?

Some of the problems were "No Army/militia" "No federal Government" and no trading can be done

What was a problem for the national government under the Articles of Confederation?

It was hard to trade with other countries.

What weakness of the articles of confederation led to money problems for the new nation?

the articles of confederation did not give the government the power to tax.

What document did the US Constitution replace?

Articles of Confederation

A serious problem caused by the articles of confederation was that?

the government had problems raising money to pay for its activities

What were five major problems occurring in the US that caused the Articles of Confederation to be replaced by the US Constitution?

The articles were a weak form of government.

In 1786 Virginians called a convention to discuss problems with the?

Articles Of Confederation

One reason why the constitution convention was called?

discuss revising the Article of Confederation. (APEX)

One of the main problems under the articles of confederation was that there was no direct contact betweeen the central government and who?

The people!