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Once the majority of young men left for the war that left the factories low on employees to manufacture war items. President Roosevelt had law passed that required the manufacturers to hire blacks and women to fulfill their war contracts with the government. Therefore many Blacks, black women and white women and other nonwhites were hired to manufacture the war items. The employers learned the Blacks and women could do excellent work and some did it better than the white men did. So the women and Blacks began seeking work after the war. By the 1960s the blacks had motivated President Johnson to sign the civil rights act. Later the Equal Rights Amendment came along but it was never ratified. The Women went to work anyway. Many built themselves great careers and entered professions that had previously been dominated by men.

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The face of the American workforce changed in various ways. The type of people employed and the educational level of people employed changed too. Some nonwhites were able to keep some of their jobs in the manufacturing plants (well maybe not in the south) and more women joined the workforce (in new jobs and types of jobs). The returning GIs were able to take advantage of the GI bill benefits offering college educations or completions of educations. They were able to become more professional and technical. Unfortunately, not many nonwhite took advantage of this bill because the largest majority of them lived in the south or in the Southwest (such as Native Americans and Mexican Americans) and did not have access to the universities or enough education to enter college. As the decades passed the southern blacks were able to get the Civil Rights Act passed and endorsed by Lyndon Baines Johnson. The women began to flood the workforce and experienced unequal pay. The Equal Rights Amendment was never ratified so they still don't have equal pay for equal jobs. The Handicapped Acts also helped the disabled people to get better jobs and more access.

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d all of the above

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Q: The face of the American workforce changed dramatically after world war 2. which of the following was a factor in this change?
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