The american tradition of joining organizations has resulted in a wide range of interest groups.
William Howard Taft
Enver Pasha was the Minister of War of the Ottoman Empire who engineered the treaty between the the Turks and Germans that resulted in the Turks joining the Cetral Powers.
They were in a league called the All-America Football Conference prior to joining the NFL. After the AFL/NFL merger, they were placed into the American Football Conference.
The territory of Puerto Rico is considering joining the United States as a state.
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
The Marshall Plan
The Articles resulted in joining the 13 individual colonies into a nation.
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
Joining the Armed Forces.