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Q: The Seven Weeks' War began soon after Prussian troops entered?
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What was the war between Prussia and Austria called?

It has been called the "Seven Weeks War" or the "Austro-Prussian War".

How long did the austro-prussian war last?

It Lasted seven weeks it is for this reason that it was also called the Seven Weeks War.

When was the German Civil War?

The Austro-Prussian War or Seven Weeks' War (in Germany also known as German War, Unification War, Prussian-German War, German Civil War or Fraternal War) was a war fought in 1866

What were the causes and results of the Austro- Prussian War?

It was cause by Bismarck of Germany and resulted in Austrian loss in seven weeks and they had to get out of German affairs. [Source]: AP European History, 4th block :)

How many wars did Bismark engage in between 1860 and 1871 in the process of bringing about the unification of Germany?

Two: The Seven Weeks War against Austria in 1866 and the Franco-Prussian war (against France) in 1870-1871.

Which countries did Prussia wage war with between 1864 and 1870?

1. The Danish War- Against Denmark 2. The Seven Weeks' War- Against Austria 3. The Franco-Prussian War- Against France AAL

How many days is seven weeks?

there are 49 days in seven weeks: seven days in a week and seven weeks - 7 x 7.

What were some major wars fought between 1850 to the outbreak of World War 1 in Europe?

Crimean War, Seven Weeks War, Franco-Prussian War, Russo-Turkish War, Russo-Japanese War, and Balkan Wars

How do you convert days to weeks?

Divide by seven ! for example 21 days is three weeks

Deploy in a sentence?

The troops will deploy to Afghanistan in three weeks.

How many seconds are in seven weeks?

7 weeks = 4,233,600 seconds.

How many weeks is there in seventy seven days?

There are 11 weeks in 77 days.