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dual federalism

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Q: States and the national government each remain supreme within their own sphere in the system known as?
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What were hamiltons qualifications of his state?

Alexander Hamilton had a number of qualifications for the states he wanted to be part of the United States of America. He believed that the states should have strong governments that could protect both their citizens and their rights. He also believed that the states should have a strong economic base, so that they could remain a viable member of the union. Hamilton's qualifications for the states were as follows: Population: Hamilton believed that states should have a sufficient population in order to be able to contribute to the Union. He also thought it would be beneficial if the population was diverse, so that it could represent a variety of perspectives.Economy: Hamilton wanted the states to have a strong economy, so that they could support the Union financially. He also wanted the states to have a strong trade network, so that they could benefit from commerce with other states.Government: Hamilton wanted the states to have functioning governments that could protect the rights of their citizens and promote the interests of the Union.Hamilton's qualifications for the states were a reflection of his vision for a successful union of states. His qualifications have been a major influence on the United States since its founding, and have been used as a model for forming unions in other countries around the world.

What was one of the issue decided by the civil war?

The states would remain united

Is the ACT a state?

The ACT is the Australian Capital Territory. It is not a state; it is a territory and will always remain so. The land on which it stands was ceded to the federal government by New South Wales, specifically to be a home for the national government and to be the nation's capital. The whole thing is very like the District of Columbia in the USA, which was ceded to the US federal government by the state of Maryland, for the same reasons as the ACT in Australia; for Canberra read Washington.

Why did some Americans feel threatened by the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They feared if the Aliens, would remain loyal to the United States.

What does the Federalist Party consensus on?

The United States should stay out of war in Europe.The United States should remain a democratic republic.

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Powers that remain with the states after other powers were delegated to the national government by the constitution are called?

Reserved Powers

How many judges are in supreme courts?

The United States Supreme Court consists of nine justices. The justices are appointed by the president and remain justices for life. The Supreme Court is part of the judicial branch of the U.S. government.

What are The powers that remain with the states after other powers were delegated to the national government by the Constitution?

Reserved Powers

How many judges consist of supreme court?

There are many different supreme courts - one of the US and one for each of the States. They have different numbers of judges, depending on the Constitution of each state. There are eight judges on the US Supreme Court (Nine seats for judges).

What is the highest written law in west Virginia?

The State of West Virginia will continue to remain one of the United States of America. The Constitution of USA and its laws and treaties will remain its supreme law.

What are four rights given to states?

There are no rights 'given' to states. States instead have given the federal government certain rights. All others remain with the state.

What issues should fall under the federal government's domain and which should remain with the states?

it would fall under the government and that would happen

Which action by president Madison showed that he wanted govenment to remain small?

Madison showed that he wanted the government to remain small by deciding to let the term of the national bank end.

What is duel federalism?

Dual Federalism: a system of government in which both the states and the national government remain supreme within their own spheres, each responsible for some policies. This is commonly known as "layer cake" federalism.

What action by president Madison showed that the wanted government to remain small?

He decided to let the term of the National Bank end.

Which action by president Madison showed that he wanted to government to remain small?

he decided to let the term of the national bank end.

What branch of government is assumed to be least likely to bend to political pressure?

The branch of government that is assumed to be least likely to bend to political pressure is the Supreme Court. They should remain impartial and fair at all times.