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The southern colonies society was mainly made up of slaves. These colonies had been established Great Britain with the rich people owning vast lands which they used as plantations where slaves worked.

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Q: Southern Colonies society
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What was the society like in the middle colonies?

Society in the Middle colonies was very liberated.

How was the society in the southern colonies?

Over time, the region quickly became well known for its high slave population and highly stratified social class distinction.

What did England have that the wealthy southern planters wanted?

England had a society with an aristocratic class, and the southern planters wanted the same.

How was southern society organized?

it was arranged by many farts

Why did the regions of New England colonies middle colonies and southern colonies develop differently?

Not well known is that slavery was prevalent in all of the colonies though the colonies we think of when the subject comes up are the Southern Colonies. In fact most of the slave ships were owned by merchants in New England and were a big part of the Triangle Trade at this time between New England, South Africa and the West Indies. The Religion of the Colonies before the Great awakening was somewhat varied but mainly only in the Middle Colonies. The main religion in New England were the Puritans, in the Southern Colonies it was the Anglican and in the Middle Colonies it was the Anglican, Protestant, and the Quakers. The Economy in New England centered around trade because farming was difficult with rocky soil. The main staples were Fishing, Timber, Rum, some slave trade, and shipbuilding over seen by wealthy merchants. In the Southern Colonies it was the staple crops of Rice, Tobacco, and Indigo (before the revolution) and Cotton (after). These crops were grown on large plantations owned by wealthy white males and worked by African slaves. In the middle colonies the economy was supported by both trade and farming with and emphasis on Wheat. Finally the society of New England was based off of the Puritan religion but over all had a balanced class system mainly made up of a wealthy merchant class. The Middle Colonies again had a fairly balanced class system though instead of merchants it centered around farming communities. The Southern Colonies were ruled by Patriarchy. Patriarchy is basically ruled by the father of a household; woman, children, and his slaves all had to submit to him as the owner of them. Keep in mind this is all before the revolution and I haven't even tried to discuss the Great Awakening of the time.

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Society in the Middle colonies was very liberated.

What was not a major cash crop of the southern colonies?

Rice was not a cash crop for the southern colonies but tobacco, indigo, and corn wheat were. In addition, perhaps the biggest cash crop grown in the southern colonies was cotton. The South grew to rely so heavily on cotton and the money it generated that it began to direct their society, leading to the Southern dependence on slavery.

How did slavery impact the lives of people in the Southern Colonies?

Slavery in the Southern Colonies heavily relied on the labor of enslaved Africans for economic prosperity, leading to widespread exploitation and abuse. Enslaved individuals were subjected to harsh working conditions, limited rights, and brutal treatment. The presence of slavery shaped the social, economic, and political structures of the Southern Colonies, perpetuating systemic racism and inequality that continue to impact American society today.

Explain the main economic activities in the southern colonies?

The south was an agrarian society where vast tracks of land were used to grow cotton, rice, indigo, and other crops.

When was Southern Society for Clinical Investigation created?

Southern Society for Clinical Investigation was created in 1946.

When was Southern Historical Society Papers created?

Southern Historical Society Papers was created in 1876.

When was Southern Michigan Railroad Society created?

Southern Michigan Railroad Society was created in 1982.

What was the characteristic of Southern society in 1850?

A traditional agricultural lifestyle was the characteristic of Southern society in 1850.

How was the society in the southern colonies?

Over time, the region quickly became well known for its high slave population and highly stratified social class distinction.