If the relationship is over....leave it and learn from it and grow and fullfil you life without them. If you are still in the relationship....I would find it hard to conceive that this narcissist would even be remotely empathic of their behavior...they could readily move on to someone else.
As soon as I started confronting my abuser - the abuse got 10X worse and then physical abuse was added. I have heard and read that this means that they know they are losing control and must try harder to get it back.
It depends who is the narcissist. If he has a history of violence, confronting him may not be the best idea.
Still, if you can safely put a distance between you and him, I would advise you to warn him of the consequences of his abuse - and, if ignores your warning, to act to punish and to restrain him. Narcissists and psychopaths understand best the language of power and coercion.
If he/she is emotionally or verbally abusive, then YES. Confront them but make it about yourself and not about them. Use phrases like "I find name calling unacceptable" or "Manipulation is not something I accept in my life" or "I cannot trust someone who doesn't tell the truth when asked". The narcissist will not respect what you have said and if they do hear it you will likely get some sort of punishment, the silent treatment, a rage, a put down. But after it's over you will know that you stood up for yourself in front of a bully and it will be your voice disputing the abuse you remember as the last word not his/hers dishing it out. Do not tell them that anything they have done has hurt you, that's like throwing blood in the water in front of a shark.
The best thing to do is walk away. Its pointless to confront these types. They are smart, they know what they are doing yet they don't care. Remember you are only a source for them, an object and your feelings do not come into consideration. All a confrontation will do is make the N up the anti. They will become enraged, (although they might not let you see that) and they will make some sort of retreat to gather their strength and smarts to come back with a vengenance. They see it as war and they NEVER like to lose. You cannot beg or plead with them to change, this will only feed their ego and confirm in their eyes that you idolize them. The best revenge is to quietly walk away. They will wonder why you did not make a big fuss over them and they will begin wo wonder just how important they are. They will go nuts with wondering and jealousy. Meanwhile, you get on with your life and be happy.
If you do confront them, always start with a compliment of some sort or speak in a way that feeds their ego. Never be defensive, accusatory or critical. Say something like, "I respect your intellect...etc, etc BUT I felt hurt when you....etc, etc. Narcissists FEED off any kind of compliments or positive attention. They're starved for it. So if you're going to confront them, first build them up and then tell them the truth but do it in a way that makes them feel they're still superior and in control. This is how therapists and psychologists talk to narcissists when in thearpy.
depending on if your the narcissist or just someone around the narcissist..... if you are the narcissist dont worry it wont effect you. You will just continue on with your selfish ways and use people for what they can do for you. If your someone around the narcissist..... RUN- get out while you can. The only way to really survive is to not have them in your life
Edmund Burke oppose revolutions because he do not think it will bring any change to people and there is no way to confront the changes brought by the victory of liberalism.
I have been married to an narcissist for 11 years. You have remember that they are sick. a victim, and because of the abuse that receive early in life as a child they learned to shut off there pain by blocking it out. The results ending into unable to feel emotions and to look at love as pain. They need to always be right, don't question what they do. never try to controll them, never say a bad word about them.and yes they are girl watchers, they try to be mister stud. You have to keep in mind that this is there way to feel love that they missed. what ever you can do to make them feel superior.
The government shouldn't try to influence the way people think. The government should present facts and allow people to vote how they feel.
Nobody should fight in a war. Wars serve the interests of the rulers.
A person should never confront a growling dog. If there is no way out of it, turn your back to the dog and say no.
You should confront them and ask what they feel. It is the best way to know about the feelings of a person.
You should confront him about his actions, and talk with him.
Narcissistic Injury, it hurts them more than it should, way more than it should.
What is the usage of the term "narcissist" and how does it reflect upon this situation. I do not understand. nar
Confirm the truth. Confront the husband. Counsel to determine the way forward. Comit to the determined way forward.
The way he treats you like if he treats you with respect or not.
No contact is the best way to part ways with a narcissist. You must remain consistent and end contact completely and forever.
Best guess, it can. There is no other way for a true narcissist to be aware of issues within him or herself.
It's certainly possible. A narcissist may date another narcissist that is more selfish than they are to feel better about themselves. In turn say "i'm not as selfish as he/she is so that makes me above him/her). It's incredible and shocking the way people with this disorder think. It takes a lot of research to understand a narcissist.
depending on if your the narcissist or just someone around the narcissist..... if you are the narcissist dont worry it wont effect you. You will just continue on with your selfish ways and use people for what they can do for you. If your someone around the narcissist..... RUN- get out while you can. The only way to really survive is to not have them in your life
Pearl treats Arthur that way because she was tortured and wanted revenge.