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No. The Nazis exterminated people against their will. The Nazis did the choosing and chose who they thought shouldn't be allowed to live. Euthanasia as discussed today is the termination life as a humane act. The Nazis did not exterminate people for humane reasons.

The word euthanasia in your question should be highlighted in quotation marks since Nazi killing was anything but humane.

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Q: Should it be legal to euthanize individuals as occurred in the Nazi's T4 Euthanasia Program?
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When did the Nazis start their euthanasia program?

October 1939 - Nazis Begin Euthanasia on Sick and DisabledOCTOBER 1939- NAZIS BEGIN EUTHANASIA ON SICK AND DISABLED

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During WWII, the Nazi plan was to euthanize the Jewish population, involuntarily - which really is better defined as mass murder. These, of course were judged to be illegal war crimes and prosecutions of many Nazi leaders felt to be responsible took place during the Nuremberg trials after the war ended.

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What is the euthenasia program?

Euthanasia is the name given to assisting someone to die to relieve suffering. In most countries it would be illegal and regarded as murder.

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He wanted to take out all of the jewish people, those with physical and mental handicaps, and asocials. They were all murdered by his troops.

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Animal euthanasia has been around for a long time, euthanasia meaning "Good Death" in Greek. No one knows who actually came up with it because it has just always been around, it's just common sense. If an animal is in an irrepairable state, and is in pain, then it is humane to put it to sleep. In the Australian Veterinary industry a drug called "Lethabarb" is used. It is also known as the "green dream" as it is coloured green. Lethabarb is just the brand name and Pentobarbitone Sodium is the actual chemical. If you are worried that the animal goes through any pain in this process, don't be. Remember, the aim of it is to stop the animals pain. Basically the chemical causes the animal to fall asleep and their heartbeat slows continually until it stops completely. Sources: Dad is a vet.

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