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Yes because he took over every oil production line in the us. this gave him the chance too build a monopoly and he could have taken over the government! This makes him a robber baron. He also took many jobs away from people

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Q: Should Rockefeller be deserved to be called a robber baron?
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Was John D Rockefeller a Robber Baron or Captain of Industry?

J. D. Rockefeller was considered both a robber baron and a captain of industry.

Who invented robber-barrons?

No one "invented " robber barons because it was a term used to describe people like Rockefeller. They were the riches men and lived like kings.

One reason John D Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie and J Pierpont Morgan were sometimes called robber barons was because the?

used ruthless buiness tactics against their competitors

Why were john d Rockefeller Andrew carnegie and john p Morgan called robber barons?

They were the richest men of their time and they controlled the oil, railroad, and banking of the nation. They lived like kings and paid their workers as little as they could. Carnegie came from Scotland with nothing, but through ruthless means he worked to become the richest. Rockefeller and Morgan were also ruthless in their dealings. This made them Robber barons stealing from the poor to make themselves richer. We have robber barons too with the 1% richest today.

What was the pros and cons of the robber barons in the US?

In speaking about the so-called US 19th century robber barons, such as Rockefeller and Carnegie, their results were two-fold. They created millionaire dynasties and were at times cruel bosses, they also engineered great industrial progress. And, it can be said that Rockefeller did provide certain good benefits to workers. Nevertheless, they brought upon themselves regulations that were needed to help the general well being of the nation.