There is no right answer to this question, as it requires you to choose between two tired and thoroughly banal metaphors invented by unimaginative yet self-satisfied college-educated idiots.New York.
Russia is a melting pot
People call America the melting pot, because it reminds them of a giant pot were different races and religions live.
Israel zangwill
They established ghettos in areas of large concentrations of immigrants.
Russia is a melting pot
America is known as the "Melting Pot" of cultures. It is where all different societies of life come together as one in this great country we live in today. Now, it actually more known as the "Salad Bowl" because all these different cultures are solid like being in a salad, unlike us all melting together.
The salad bowl theory replaced the melting pot idea about the cultural and ethnic makeup of the United States. The melting pot idea was that America brought many different cultures and ethnicities together and "melted" or "blended" them all up into a uniquely America identity. However, the salad bowl theory says that the uniquely American identity is more like a mixture of cultures and ethnicities that retain their own individuality while also being part of something new, like vegetables in a salad.
I believe you are referring to the salad bowl metaphor. This metaphor is used to describe the US quite a bit. Rather than being a melting pot, where all peoples of all backgrounds 'melt together' and assimilate, the US is now more often referred to as a salad bowl where everyone retains their culture, language, background, etc. but yet everyone is together much in the way a salad is.
The analogy of the "salad bowl" has been suggested as a more appropriate descriptor for the US than the melting pot. This analogy emphasizes the idea that different cultural groups can coexist while maintaining their distinct identities, rather than blending together into a single homogeneous mixture.
i love melting pot !
The "melting pot" theory of multiculturalism suggests that different cultures blend together to create a new, unified culture. In contrast, the "salad bowl" theory sees multiculturalism as a diverse mix of different cultures coexisting while maintaining their distinct identities. The melting pot theory focuses on assimilation, while the salad bowl theory values cultural diversity.
Melting Pot was sung by Blue Mink
A melting pot is an idiom meant to express a place where things or people mingle or blend together. It is often preceded or followed by a noun. Examples: "A Social Melting pot", "a melting pot for the arts" Sometimes it is preceded by adjectives such as in "a veritable melting pot".
A melting pot describes a group of culturally diverse people. The United States is considered a melting pot.
It is unclear what the question is asking about. "Culture of cultures" is not a commonly understood term. If the question is asking whether the US is a place dominated by multiculturalism, the answer is: No. The United States is a melting pot as opposed to a salad bowl. Each person who comes to the United States is expected to become an American and adopt American values and social protocols. Unlike salad bowl cultures, like Canada, a person is not encouraged to truly be diverse.
The Melting Pot - restaurant - was created in 1975.