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VIKINGS took over land controlled by Slavs

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Q: Russia came into being after took over land controlled by the Slavs.?
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What was Austria Hungary's Rivalry against Russia in World War 1 about?

They both wanted dominance of the Balkans. Austria-Hungary controlled Bosnia and Herzegovina were there were a large number of ethnic Serbs. So Serbia believed they should control this area. In Russia at the time there was a belief in pan-Slavism (that all the Slavs in the world should help each other, in this case Russia should help Serbia). So when Austria-Hungary threatened to invade Serbia if its demands were not met in 1914 Russia came to help its ally and "Slav brother" Serbia, this would also serve to give Russia dominance in the Balkans.

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What tribe came from eastern Europe to the kive rus in the sixth century?

The tribe waws the Slavs.

Who are illirians?

Ilirians ware assimilated by south slavs,and they are not albanians as tought,cuz albanians came from caucasus.

What countries created Poland?

None? Poland came into being over 1000 y ago by its own, to precise Poland was consist of tribal lands of western Slavs like Polans, Lechits and so on.

What four countries came to help austira and Serbia in world war 1?

Russia came to the aid of Serbia because they were slavs and the Czar felt a special kinship to Serbia and not Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary were allied with the Ottoman Empire, Germany and Bulgaria. Serbia wanted its independence from the Hapsburgs and knew that the Romanovs would support them militarily.

How did the Russia become a communist country?

The short answer is the country of Rus became known as Russia after the Viking, Rurik and is band, which that was then called the "Rus" after the Slavs. The Rus was becoming powerful and became a country over time. (And battles, no take over land) it was changed to Russia. A Viking by the name of Rurik settled in Central Europe (along with other Vikings) where the Slavs already lived. The Slavs were a tribe that fought others to win land. But when Rurik and the other Vikings Invaders came, they were forced to obey. The Slavs called the Viking Invaders the Rus because 'Rus' sounds like Rurik's name. As the Vikings and Slavs formed tribes, they and built their own cities and traded too. Over time, the Rus became powerful. Instead of trading with Constantinople, the tribes of the Rus wanted to conquer it. Although the Rus were good Sailors, they were no match for Byzantine's "Sea Fire." (Also known as "Greek fire" is a chemical reaction.) One of the Rus princes named Vladimir made peace with Constantinople; he gave Rus warriors to the emperor, and married a Byzantine princess.

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She was American. She was born in California, but her parents came from Russia.

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