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Q: Ramon didn't think much of the war in Iraq but after he heard a general explain the situation he decided he was for it. This is an example of?
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Actually, no one. He sent Colonel James Bowie with a contingent to destroy the Alamo, and retrieve the numerous cannon there. Bowie, after assessing the situation, decided it should not be destroyed.

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The word organization is a collective noun itself. It is a general collective used for any group that is organized, for example an organization of pilots, an organization of volunteers, or an organization of teachers, etc. If you have a group of organizations to name, use a general collective noun that is appropriate for the situation, for example a consortium of organizations or a convention of organizations.

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The word organization is a collective noun itself. It is a general collective used for any group that is organized, for example an organization of pilots, an organization of volunteers, or an organization of teachers, etc. If you have a group of organizations to name, use a general collective noun that is appropriate for the situation, for example a consortium of organizations or a convention of organizations.

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General Robert E. Lee viewed Union General John Pope's army in northern Virginia to be a threat to the Virginia Central Railroad. This was an important line of supply and communications between Richmond and the Shenandoah Valley. While General McClellan was slow to move his troops out of the Peninsula, Lee decided to focus his attention on Pope and prepare an assault on his Union army.

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