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No it comes in general category in rajput...

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Q: Rai surname of karnataka belongs to scheduled caste?
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Shetty belongs to Bunt caste (Kshatriya/Brahmins caste). The surname originates from coastal Karnataka in India. The word 'Bunt', means Strong man or solider; the word 'Shetty' means head of a mercantile in Sanskrit.

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What Caste is shirsat surname in Goa?

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Does sontakke surname belongs to schedule caste?

Without specific information, it is not possible to determine if the surname Sontakke belongs to a scheduled caste. Surnames can be used by people from various caste or community backgrounds. It is advisable to research the specific community or region associated with the surname for more accurate information.

Is sutar surname belongs to the schedule cast?

Yes, in India, the surname "Sutar" is commonly associated with the Scheduled Caste community. Scheduled Castes are historically disadvantaged caste groups who are entitled to certain benefits and affirmative action programs in India.