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In Britain, punishments certainly do not fit the crimes, many of our laws are outdated, and many sentences are too lenient. Petty crimes often incurr heavy sentences, whilst serious crimes incurr too light a sentence. The reason our prisons are overcrowded, is that there are not enough deterrents in place, and most people know, that our punishment laws are very much a "soft touch".

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Q: Quote does the punishment fit the crime?
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Should the punishment fit the crime and why?

Yes, the punishment should fit the crime to ensure fairness, proportionality, and justice. Matching the severity of punishment to the seriousness of the offense helps to maintain trust in the legal system and promote deterrence.

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the 8th amendment

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The biggest weakness in the justice system is; the punishment doesn't fit the crime.

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"Let the punishment fit the crime."

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Making the punishment fit the crime means ensuring that the severity of the punishment matches the seriousness of the offense committed. It aims to ensure that the punishment is proportional and appropriate to the harm caused by the criminal act. This principle is a fundamental aspect of justice and aims to maintain a sense of fairness and equity in the criminal justice system.

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intentional act against legal parameters is crime. punishment do not define crime.

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