pig in a poke is the last play of the george clooney movie.. he snuck into the other team for the last play of the final game... hes the pig in the poke.
Close, if you recall, that was the Sergeant York. The "pig" is the football; it's also called a "pigskin". A "poke" is a bag. When you are buying a "pig in a poke" you're buying something unseen, "hidden". Before the rules of football were developed, players would hide the ball under their shirt, well at least try to do it unseen by the opponent. The "pig in a poke" play was hiding the pigskin under your shirt and running in a direction opposite where the play action was directed.
bob Jones invented the pig skin football.
as long as the officials approove of it
A Junk Pot is a mixture of Pig Feet, Pig Tails, Turkey Necks, corn and potatoes...It is often served at Football Tailgates in the South
Football was created in the late 18th century by the Europeans. It evolved from an earlier game known as rugby, which has a ball that is not made with pig skin.
Football was created in the late 18th century by the europeans.it evolved from the game rugby,which has a ball that is not made with pig skin,such as the football which is a more popular sport than rugby
A Pig in a Poke - 1909 was released on: USA: 28 May 1909
A Poke in the Eye... With a Sharp Stick - PIG album - was created in 1988.
It basically means don't buy something without seeing it first. A poke was a small leather sack and the phrase simply advises that you shouldn't buy a pig in a sack without opening the bag first to see it.
Guinea Pigs poke with their nose to show greetings,emotions,etc.It is like saying hello to that Guinea Pig.
This Is Alice - 1958 Pig in a Poke 1-17 was released on: USA: 1958
The Worst Witch - 1998 A Pig in a Poke 1-3 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
Lovejoy - 1986 Pig in a Poke 5-1 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG (video rating) (2004)
bob Jones invented the pig skin football.
A football or pig skin
Don't buy a pig in a poke.
The American football is made out of leather which answers the age-old question: Pig or Cow? It is a cow.