Qing emperors ruled an empire that was largely Chinese. As Manchurians they were outnumbered 30-1. In order to keep their control over the empire they reserved important government posts for Manchurians. They also maintained an army that was almost entirely Manchurian.
this is for han =
The Poor: The poor lived in houses packed together. They had very little food, and little to no sanitation. Many of the young males joined street gangs. Gangs wore distinctive clothes and armor, that identified their gang. Teen gangs roamed the cities, terrorizing people.
The Rich: The rich rushed to imitate the imperial palace. They built elaborate homes, decorated with drapery, and cashmere carpets. They furnished family tombs with stone lions. On the lions, and on other sculpture, they added inscriptions mentioning how much each item had cost!
The rich lived in comfortable, large houses with many rooms and fireplaces. Each home was built around a central courtyard. They had elaborately carved furniture that showed Greek and Roman influence, and painted stuccoed walls with floral designs. Other walls were left bare to display paintings or bronze mirrors. Dinner was elaborate. Kids were tutored in science, math, literature, art, religion, and music. Some studied in their homes, and some at the home of their tutor. The rich did not use the public schools. They wore belted robes with long sleeves lined with silk. When it was cold, they wore warm fur coats, made of squirrel and fox skins and leather slippers.
it can tell you how the classes were and the higher class and above the peasants
peasants often live in small houses crammed together.
ancient Chinese feudalism is when the peasants live on the kings land and give him crops in return for military protection
Mao Zedong appealed to peasants in China.
PoVeRtY iN ANcIeNt ChInA wAs VeRy BaD. PeAsAnTs HaD tO wOrK aLl DaY aNd AlL night growing crops and EVERYTHING <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
it can tell you how the classes were and the higher class and above the peasants
peasants often live in small houses crammed together.
No, they were obsessed with the after-life.
One or two homes depending on the size
Because they provided food and crafts for others.
The Chinese peasants who lived on the landlord's estate.
ancient Chinese feudalism is when the peasants live on the kings land and give him crops in return for military protection
a boys life in china china was workful the boys in china have to work 24/7
Mao Zedong appealed to peasants in China.
EVERY civilization has peasants!
PoVeRtY iN ANcIeNt ChInA wAs VeRy BaD. PeAsAnTs HaD tO wOrK aLl DaY aNd AlL night growing crops and EVERYTHING <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3