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lol. a black ring? :D

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Q: On an African American what does ringworm look likes?
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This girl looks at you but you don't know if its because im African American or she likes you somebody help?

forget it she is really stupid than <-- dude, whats ur problem? the guy who wrote that erased my answer on accident....grrr... if she's looking at you in a way that's like.... curious, like whats up with him, then its cause ur African American, if its more of a look straight into your eyes, especially if she doesnt look away, she likes you, ih she looks away and then giggles to friends, she likes you, and if you don't go to a school that's mostly, white (aka you don't stick out alot because your African American) then she just likes she white?

How do you look mixed iF your African American and a boy?

Like all the other 100s of African American males. . .

Why do Michael Jackson's kids not have African American traits?

Michael Jackson's children do have African American traits but the thing is that they are bi-racial meaning that their mother was American and their father was African American. If you see them in person, they do look half American and half African American.

How does Henry Sampson look?

He is an african-american! sssseeeexxxxyyyy!!!!

American revolution provided a platform for african-American women?

look at your mom

What does Bud Not Buddy union look like?

African american

Why would the southerners oppose the education of African American?

you go look at it on the website

What does legacy from the neew boyz mom look like?

lightskin,African American

What does African food look like?

african food looks just like american food but has a different taste and texture

What does a baby of mixed African American and Caucasian race look like?

Maybe light skinned & maybe the hair texture is mixed or it's like African American hair but grows different...I'm part African American & part Irish.

What does ringworm mean?

Ringworm is a common fungal infection that affects the skin, scalp, or nails. Despite its name, it is not caused by a worm but rather by various types of fungi. It is characterized by a red, circular rash that may be itchy or scaly.

How does Kanye West look like?

He is African-American with black hair. He is not fat, nor extremely skinny. He is normal weight. He has a short beard and a normal African American haircut.