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well it is irrelivent to think that it wasenglish and colonial so... you realy cant know the answer to that.


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Q: Name Five documents and philosophers from which the framers of the Constitution used ideas?
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Is us constitution a product of the 55 framers without external influence?

Not necessarily. Their ideas were influenced by other philosophers, like Locke, Hume, and Montesquieu, and other people's ideas, like Adams' and Jefferson's, who had made clear their ideas, even though they weren't there.

What was the enlightenment movement and how did it influence the framers of the constitution?

The framers of the constitution had read many works of philosophers whose ideas they borrowed in drafting what is today the constitution of the Unite States of America. Some of these Philosophers included Rousseau, Locke and Montesquieu, and they held that a legitimate government had to look into the best interests of the people.

What ideas did the Framers borrow from Enlightenment thinkers?

The Framers of the US Constitution borrowed various ideas from Enlightenment thinkers, such as the separation of powers, social contract theory, and the protection of individual rights. They were influenced by philosophers like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau in shaping the framework of the government and the principles of democracy in the United States.

What sources did the Framers of the Constitution get their ideas from?

They got ideas from the Roman Republic and their own brains.

What ideas in the constitution did the framers adopt from England?

They Borrowed the English Bill of Rights

How did the ideas of European political philosophers influence the way the farmers wrote the U.S. constitution?

Two political theorists had great influence on the creation of the constitution; John Locke, and Baron de Montesquieu. Both of these men put a lot of weight on the consent of the governed and the role of the governed people in government. They also emphasized the importance of the social freedom of an individual to pursue life, liberty, and property.

What were the ideological and philosophical traditions used by the Framers?

The Framers were influenced by a number of democratic principles. In particular, they drew on the ideas of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and various philosophers of the Enlightenment.

Which group had the most influenced on the ideas stated in the declaration of independence and US constitution?

philosophers of the enlightenment

Which group had the most influence on the ideas stated in the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution?

philosophers of the enlightenment

Why were principles important to the framers of the constitution?

The Framers of the Constitution deeply believed in liberal, democratic ideas, heavily influenced by Enlightenment thinkers. These principles were important to the colonists, who felt that the British crown treated them unfairly and did not represent their interests.

What are the documents which explained the ideas behind and urged for the ratification of the United States Constitution known as?

The documents which explained the ideas behind, and which urged for the ratification of, the Constitution of the United States of America are known as The Federalist Papers.

The ideas of checks and balances and the separation of powers suggest that the framers of the Constitution feared?

the concentration of too much power.