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Joseph Stalin

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Q: Lenin's successor who worked to control every aspect of life in the soviet union was?
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Who becomes president of Russia after Gorbachev?

When the USSR ceased to exist in 1991, Russia became the obvious successor to the Soviet legacy - historically, territorially, militarily, etc. Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia at the time, and in that sense can be considered Gorbachev's successor.

Which soviet leader called Stalin a murderer?

Many did, but the very first was his successor, Nikita Khrushchev.

Who was president when the Soviet Union collapased?

The last President of the Soviet Union was Michail Gorbachev. The first President of the Russian Federation which is successor of the SU was Boris Eltsin.

What group held absolute control of the Soviet Union under Lenin's control?

The Communist Party held control of the Soviet Union under Lenin.

Soviet leader who loosened government control of Soviet people?

Mikhail Gorbachev

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United States: North Soviet: South

After the war, countries that were governed by the communists and under Soviet control were called?

The Soviet Block.

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Nova Net: It fell under the control of the United States and the Soviet Union It fell under the control of the United States and the soviet union.

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In the Soviet Union a negative aspect of the Cold War era was the?

high cost of maintaining the arms race (:

In the Soviet Union what was a negative aspect of the Cold War Era?

high cost of maintaining the arms race (:

What countries have nuclear power?

United States, Russia (successor state to the Soviet Union), theUnited Kingdom, France, and China. has nuclear weapons