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Keeping citizens in line through fear and violence is not the best way to control a situation. In many places this is even considered against the law.

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Q: Keeping citizens in line through fear and violence?
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What is Keeping citizens in line through fear and violence?

The birds the word~sleny liek on fb slenderman sleny and my page video game nerds girfreinds im also on youtube sub. zombi3king24 btw your anwser is FEAR plz sub and like i get lonly lol sorry i needed advertising by the good luck if your on the test in apex. ^_^

Who The deliberate use of violence to spread fear?

Terrorism is the deliberate use of violence to intimidate and instill fear in a population for ideological, religious, or political reasons. It is often carried out by individuals or groups seeking to advance their goals through the use of fear and intimidation.

What was the purpose of group such as the white league and the knights of the white camellia?

Groups like the White League and the Knights of the White Camellia were white supremacist organizations that sought to maintain white supremacy and control over African Americans in the South after the Civil War. They used violence and intimidation to suppress black political participation and enforce racial segregation.

What phobia is the fear of violence?

Anxiety related to violence is most likely a symptom of thenatophobia, the fear of death or mortality. There are many varieties of thenatophobia, and often this kind of fear is combined with a fear of pain or illness (hypochondriasis). Some who suffer from thenatophobia are particularly troubled by the circumstances of dying, which could be reflected in an unusually high fear of violence, especially graphic violence that could be life-threatening,

Is terrorism the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to cause fear?


How do jack and the hunters react to the fear on the beach?

Jack and the hunters tap into the fear on the beach by using it to their advantage to gain power and control. They exploit the fear to manipulate the other boys and establish themselves as leaders through intimidation and violence.

What motivated the ku klux klan's fear and violence?

an increase in racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity.

Can you give me a sentence with fear?

In domestic violence, a woman learns to fear the man she loved.

Terrorism is the spontaneous use of violence it does not include threats of violence to cause fear.?


What triggers violence?

All anger stems from fear.

How is japan controling their population?

Through Fear of Death; Japansese citizens are forced to commit Hara-kiri when they bring shame upon themselves.

What did Gandhi dislike?

knowing what he didnt fear...I would say nothing!Gandhi did not fear violence or death. He feared that the Indians would react with violence, and that they would be violent against each other. That is why fasted twice, to stop the violence FROM the Indians.