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I know you know how much I love you (This is not correct French)

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Q: Je sais que vous savez combien je t'aime?
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Vous savez je taime?

vous savez que je vous aime or tu sais que je t'aime (use the same pronoun in the sentence) means 'you know I love You'

What is 'you know' in French?

"You know" in French can be translated as "tu sais" or "vous savez" depending on the level of formality.

How do you say I know in french?

Je sais que vous le savez.

What does si seulement tu savais combien je taime si tu savais que tu es mon tout. peutetre alors vous savez exactement combien vous signifie pour moi je taime mean?

Translation: (Note, I made some assumptions about missing punctuation) If only you knew how how much I love you. If you knew that you are my everything. Maybe, then you would know exactly how much you mean to me. I love you.

How do you say do you know in french?

'Parlez vous français ?' or 'est-ce que vous parlez français ?'

What is and you know he loves you in french?

'And you know he loves you' is translated as 'et vous savez qu'il vous aime'. If this is supposed to be a question (Do you know he loves you?) then it's translated as 'Savez-vous qu'il vous aime?' 'I know he loves me' is translated as 'Je sais qu'il m'aime'.

What is the English translation of Tu sais qui je suis?

"[do] you know who I am?"

Do you know in french?

Est-ce que vous savez? - savez-vous?

How do you conjugate know in french?

To conjugate "know" in French, you would use the verb "savoir." The conjugation for "savoir" in the present tense is as follows: je sais (I know), tu sais (you know), il/elle/on sait (he/she/one knows), nous savons (we know), vous savez (you know), ils/elles savent (they know).

What does vous savez que vous m'aimez mean in french?

"vous savez que vous m'aimez" means "you know that you love me" in French.

How do you say You know what i mean in french?

"Tu sais ce que je veux dire?"

What does savez faire mean?

vous savez faire = you know how to do / you can do