Your cousin's half-brother may or may not be related to you. Your cousin has two parents, only one of whom is related to you (i.e. is the sibling of one of your parents). You cousin and his half-brother have only one parent in common. If the half-brother is the child of you parent's sibling, then the half-brother is related to you and is your cousin, too. If the half-brother is not the child of your parent's sibling, then he is not related to you at all.
There is no relationship category of "half-cousin." There are half-brothers and half-sisters because the sibling relationship requires two parents in common. When only one parent is in common, their offspring are called "half-" The cousin relationship, on the other hand, requires only one connection. Your First Cousin is the child of one of your parent's siblings. So, if you have a Cousin who is the child of the sister of your father, and your father also had a brother, that brother is your cousin's uncle and is also your uncle. However, your cousin may also have an uncle who is the child of her father, rather than her mother. That uncle is not your uncle, and is not related to you at all. If your uncle has children by two different marriages, all those children are your cousins, regardless of who their mother is. If the wife in that second marriage also had children from a previous marriage, none of them are your cousins in the strictest sense. If you really like them and want to consider them family, of course there is nothing preventing you from calling them "cousins", too. But "half-cousin" has no meaning. If you want something other than "cousin" try "step cousin" as their mother would be Step-mother to your uncle's children from his first marriage.
There is no relationship in the English language that is called a "half cousin." Everyone who is your cousin is related to you through one and only one parent, so, unlike a "half brother" there can be no such thing as a "half cousin." If you have a first cousin (child of your aunt or uncle), then your child and that first cousin are first cousins once removed. If you have a second cousin, they your child and that second cousin are second cousins once removed.
Your first cousin's grandchild is your first cousin, twice removed.
Lets say you only have ONE first cousin... Your mom and your cousin's mom are sisters. Your father and your cousin's father are brothers. Doubling the genes you have in common... or your mom and your cousin's dad are brother and sister... and your dad and your cousin's mom are brother and sister...
The grandson of your first cousin and your grandson are third cousins to eachother.
Your father's brother's child is your cousin. A first cousin is anyone who shares one or more common grandparents with you.
Yes, the band consists of 3 brothers and their cousin.
There is no relationship called "god brother" so you are not related to a cousin of such a person.
Your nephew's first cousin may or may not be related to you, depending on how the cousin is related to your nephew. Your nephew's cousin may be your child, or the child of one of your brothers or sisters. Your nephew is related to you by being the son of your sibling. That sibling has a spouse who may also have borthers and sisters. The children of any of those brothers and sisters are also your nephew's first cousins, but are not related to you.
your 5th cousin
Your grandmother's cousin's son would be your second cousin once removed.
The relationship stops with your parents. Neither you or your brothers and sisters are related to the cousin. (But you can be friends).
half brothers Cody Rhodes and Goldust are half brothers.
They are all related. Caleb, Nathan & Jared are brothers. Matthew is their cousin.
She is his dad's brothers daughter. She is Brice's cousin.
Yes, he is Christian's cousin. Their dads are brothers.
Your first cousin's uncle is either your father, one of his brothers or one of your mother's brothers, or is not related to you (an uncle through the spouse of your father's sibling).The uncle's mother is either your grandmother or someone not related to you because she is on the other side of the cousin's family.It does, of course, happen that people marry their 1st cousins or 2nd cousins in which case both of your cousin's grandparents would be related to you. Ancient Egyptian royalty used to marry their own brothers and sisters, which made working out their ancestry very easy.
YES......If your Mother of Father has Half-Siblings (Half Brothers or Half Sisters) and those siblings, (your Half Aunt(s) or Half Uncle(s) ) have children, those children become your Half Cousin(s). Saying that someone is your 'Half Aunt' or 'Half Uncle' or 'Half Cousin' is the correct term, but it is not put into practice very often and people just refer to their 'Half Aunt' or 'Half Uncle' or 'Half Cousin' as simply; 'Aunt' or 'Uncle' or 'Cousin'