Only in the film 'National Treasure, Book of Secrets'.
yes the answer is right. but if you are hunting for a book like that about templars....then there is a book by author named Steve berry.
the name of the book is "TEMPLAR LEGACY"
Bob Riley is a American politician in the Republican Party
The name Riley means "Valiant."
hadid the public think about bridget riley
i am 8
Pat Riley (3 with lakers and 1 with the heat)
Justin Bartha plays Riley Poole, Ben Gates best friend, in the National Treasure movies.
Justin Bartha plays Riley Poole in National Treasure. He was born on July 21 1978. that means he is 31. (today is January 2, 09)
Justin Bartha riley poole
Riley Poole from National Treasure is somewhat gullible.
Lisa Marie Sheldon
Old Mother Riley's Jungle Treasure - 1951 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
National Treasure is about the Templar Treasure (not real as we know of). Thomas Gates (Ben'sancestor was told by Charles Carroll (a real signer of the Declaration of Independence) a clue about the very popular not yet found big templar treasure. The clue gets passed down from Ben's descendent's. He learns about it as a little kid, and aspires to find it through out his life. But someone tries to stop Ben and his friends Riley and Abigail from finding the treasure first. I would give this movie 4 -5 stars. It is educational, fun, adventurous sweet, and not boring. I love the use of real history (for example, Charles Carroll passes down the clue instead of some random dude) to make the treasure seem real. If you like adventure history, and treasure, you should see this movie. Also if you like Indianana Jones you will love this movie.
The government offered 10% of the treasure to Ben Gates, he only took 1%. That means Riley got 1/2%, which he used to buy the red Ferarri.
Dan Riley has written: 'The Lost Lemon mine' -- subject(s): Gold mines and mining, Treasure-trove, History, Frontier and pioneer life
The first book in the series is called My So-called Life: the Tragically Normal Diary of Rachel Riley.
Riley mccullum..
its called micropenis syndrome :)