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Yes it is, that is why many attend that particular institution for their studies. ---- The response above was really a rather poor excuse for an answer. Mine probably won't be too much better, but hopefully it'll give you a little more information. I attend this institution and I am currently 82 days away from getting my ring! So naturally I'm pretty excited for the ring, and I'd like to believe that it is the third most recognised. Unfortunately, I don't see how that could possibly be true. Everyone is always saying that the X-ring is the third most recognised ring in the world, but really, how can we prove this? I haven't been able to find any polls on the subject, and when you think about, how would you even construct such a poll? The question would be very difficult to phrase -- in most instances, it would be inherently misleading. For instance, how can you ask a poll-ee what ring they recognise the most (that question doesn't even make sense). You would literally have to have a list of every single type of ring and get each poll-ee to determine whether or not they recognised it. Then you would have to have a sample group of poll-ees of at least 1000 -- and that's just for each country! Imagine trying to get an accurate population cross-section for the entire world! Now, all that said, the story goes that this was once a question on jeopardy and that confirmed the myth as true, blah, blah, blah -- like, c'mon guys, jeopardy isn't exactly a proper source. Still, the school website states that: "According to myth - supposedly confirmed by a question on Jeopardy, although no one can say when - the X-Ring is the most recognized ring in the world after the papal ring and Super Bowl ring." ( But this is just more evidence against the notion that it is the third most recognised ring. If it was, and if there were stats to back that up, don't you think the school would be taking advantage of that? I mean, the Xring isn't the main thing that draws students to the school, but it is an important factor. And StFX sure as heck took advantage of MacLean's (magazine) endorsement that it was the #1 undergraduate institution in Canada. So they've already set a precedent for that kind of marketing. So in short, there's no way of ever knowing how recognised the X ring is. Obviously, it will be more recognised in some places that others. It is well-known all over Atlantic Canada, and the rest of Canada as well (though possibly less so) but no one can put a statistic on that. What's really more important about the ring is that it is recognised by other X students and alumni. It can bring people together in odd parts of the world, in places where you'd never think you'd see something as familiar as your school's ring on someone else's finger. And it reminds you off all those drunken nights spent passed out on the football field. Ah, yes. Good times.

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Q: Is the X-ring the 3rd most recognized ring in the world behind the pope ring and the super-bowl ring?
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