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The Boston Tea Party was an act of self-determination by British colonists against a tyrannical monarchy 3,000 miles away. Present day "tea parties" are the acts of a handful of cranky Americans who don't like the way the last election went.

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10y ago

The Boston Tea Party was a landmark event in American history in which disgruntled American colonists dumped tea that the British were forcing them to buy into the Boston harbour. The Tea Party is a segment of the Republican Party that is exceptionally fiscally conservative.

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12y ago

No, it is not. The Tea Act was a tax passed by Parliament in order to pay for the debt Britain acquired during the French and Indian War. The Boston Tea Party was the response to it. Basically, the colonists refused to pay taxes without representation in Parliament. They demanded British sailors bringing the tea to the colonies to take it back to England, and they refused. Because of this, the colonists dressed up as Native Americans and dumped the tea, and ONLY the tea of those ships into the ocean.

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No, the Coercive Acts and the Tea Act are not the same. The Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, were a series of laws imposed by the British Parliament on the American colonies in response to the Boston Tea Party in 1774. The Tea Act, on the other hand, was a specific law passed by Parliament in 1773 that granted a monopoly on tea trade to the British East India Company, which ultimately led to the Boston Tea Party.

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What were the colonist laws of 1773?

This was the same year that the Boston tea party occured. The stamp act was one.