Yes, Sokhal caste is in jatt sikh, Not kumhar.
yes cheema is a sikh jatt surname.
yes it is a jatt Sikh as well as Hindu jaat surname.
Yes. It is a jatt Sikh subcaste based in doaba region of Punjab
yes there are lot of battu jatt in some part of malwa region of punjab
yes they are
yes cheema is a sikh jatt surname.
Yes, Sudhan is definitely a sikh jatt surname.
yes! It is a jatt sikh surname
yes it is a jatt Sikh as well as Hindu jaat surname.
Yes, Jassi is a sikh jatt surname.
Yes, "Binning" is a Sikh Jatt surname. In the Sikh community, surnames often reflect one's caste or clan, and "Jatt" is a common caste among Sikhs. The surname "Binning" is specifically associated with individuals who belong to the Jatt caste within the Sikh community.
Both are Sikh Surnames Jabal/Jabbal/Jubal is a Ramgarhia Sikh Surname Natt is a Jatt Sikh Surname
Yes. It is a jatt Sikh subcaste based in doaba region of Punjab
yes chakkal is a jatt sikh surname who basically hails from ropar district of punjab.
yes it is jatt's surname