

Best Answer

Dinosaurs and Condoms Nobody knows for sure when condoms were first used.

But, assuming man created condoms -- and estimates of the oldest human ancestor date back 195,000 years, while dinosaurs lived about 220 million and 65 million years ago - it's safe to say dinosaurs did not have wooden condoms, or any sort of condoms for that matter. In addition, if they did have some form of natural-made condom, it is highly doubtful they had a conscious awareness or intelligence as to how to use them.

Other responses by WikiAnswers contributors:

  • Also, dinosaurs laid eggs, therefore eliminating the need for condoms.
  • Responding to the above comment: Even if a dinosaur laid eggs, that has nothing to do with conception. The main purpose of a condom is to prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg -- and the egg would be laid regardless of whether or not it was fertilized.
And on the humorous side...
  • They sure did. Actually, once the wooden condoms were fastened on the dinosaurs, they were unable to be removed, which, incidentally, is why the dinosaurs became extinct. Certain dinosaurs, however, abstained from the use of condoms on religious grounds, and it is these dinosaurs that survived and evolved into modern birds and reptiles.
  • Only if the dinosaur was Dutch.
  • They did, but the guys with the little bitty arms had a serious problem.
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