

Is Socrates a real person

Updated: 8/19/2022
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8y ago

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yes and he believed in believing in everything or reality pretty much.

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Q: Is Socrates a real person
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Was Socrates a bad person?

Socrates was a good person but a lot of people thought he was a bad person

What did Socrates do in Greek mythology?

Nothing. Socrates was a real historical figure, not a mythological one.

Was Socrates real or not?

Yes, Socrates was a real historical figure who lived in ancient Greece. He was a renowned philosopher known for his contributions to ethics and the development of Western philosophy.

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Socrates considered taking "care of the Soul" as the primary task of philosophy.

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socrates made fun of famous people

Was Socrates death realistic?

Well, yes because it was real.

Are Socrates and sophocles the same person?

No, Socrates and Sophocles were not the same person. Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher, known for his role in the development of Western philosophy, while Sophocles was an ancient Greek playwright, known for his dramatic tragedies like "Oedipus Rex" and "Antigone."

What is the synonym of philosopher?

logician, wise person, Socrates

What were Socrates' philosophies?

Socrates' philosophies centered around the importance of self-knowledge, questioning assumptions, and the pursuit of virtue. He believed in the Socratic method of dialogue to uncover truth and wisdom. Socrates famously stated that "the unexamined life is not worth living."

In The Apology by Plato what does Socrates claim is the real reason for the charges laid against him?

Socrates says that he is a constant reminder of the non-virtuous actions of his accusers.

What did the oracle have to say about Socrates?

The Oracle of Delphi said that Socrates was the wisest person because he knew he did not know everything. This statement led Socrates to pursue knowledge and engage in questioning to seek understanding.