Majority of Parkar (Hindu - Maharashtra and Goa) surname is from Bhandari Caste. Vaishya Vani caste too have same surname but it is rare.
What is gotra of Pawar surname?
Mardaccha Kada
Yes,Rasal is 96 Kuli Maratha.You can check it at
Yes, they are kshatriya in maratha empire...they mostly belong from konkan region of Maharashtra...
96 Kuli Maratha
what mean by 96 kuli maratha
Goatra of Kate surname
The surname "Khot" is not one of the 96 Kuli Maratha clans. The 96 Kuli Marathas are a group of 96 major Maratha clans that are traditionally believed to be descendants of the original 96 Kshatriya clans. While the surname "Khot" is a common surname found in Maharashtra, it is not one of the 96 Kuli Maratha clans.
96 Kuli Maratha.
Yes, Kadu is a common Maratha surname among the 96 Kuli Maratha community in Maharashtra, India. It is one of the many surnames that belong to the 96 Kuli Maratha clan.
96 Kuli Maratha