New York City, New York is further north than Lisbon, Portugal. The latitude and the longitude coordinates of New York, New York are 40 degrees 44 minutes North and 73 degrees 55 minutes West. The latitude and the longitude coordinates of Lisbon, Portugal are 38 degrees 42 minutes North and 9 degrees 05 minutes West.
The distance between '''Lisbon, Portugal and '''New York City is '''3379 miles (5438 km).'''''''''
it is farther to travel from Venezuela to Portugal because new york is about 1 of a mile eastern than Venezuela if you look on a map you will see that Venezuela is farther away from Portugal than new york is.Portugal to Venezuela is about 1,000 miles further than Portugal to New York.
Lisbon (LIS) to New York, NY (NYC) Shortest Flight Duration 7 hours 50 mins
Venezuela to Portugal would be farther.The distance of New York to Portugal is about 3,367 miles. The distance of Venezuela to Portugal is about 4,300 miles.From New York 5436 kilometeres From Venezuala 6342 kilometers so shorter from new york.
Air miles from JFK International Airport JFK, New York, United States of America to Lisbon Portela Airport LIS, Portugal total 3,358. That is 5,405 kilometers. That is 2,917 nautical miles.
It is impossible to drive to Lisbon from New York.
No, Portugal is located at a lower latitude than New York state. Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is situated at about 38.7 degrees north latitude, while New York City is around 40.7 degrees north latitude.
The distance between '''Lisbon, Portugal and '''New York City is '''3379 miles (5438 km).'''''''''
The air kilometer distance from Lisbon, Portugal, to New York City, New York, is 5,437. That equals 3,379 air miles or 2,936 nautical miles.
The exact distance between New York and Portugal depends on the arrival city in Portugal. The distance between New York and Lisbon, Portugal is 3,378 miles.
The nautical mileage distance from New York City, New York to Lisbon, Portugal, is 2,936 nautical miles. That equals 5,437 kilometers or 3,379 air miles.
This is further distance from Venezuela to Portugal than it is from New York to Portugal. From Venezuela to Portugal it is 4,252 miles. From New York to Portugal it is 3,376 miles.
The flight time from New York, New York to Lisbon, Portugal is: 7 hours, 15 minutes
Venezuela to Portugal is 4043 miles and New York to Portugal is 3379 miles. so to answer your question Venezuela to Portugal is further.
Venezuela to Portugal is much farther. New York and Portugal are on the same latitude (horizontal lines on a globe).