James Clerk Maxwell is more than dead, I'd suspect his body is fully decomposed by now.
James Clerk Maxwell died in Cambridge, England, on the 5th November 1879, which is over 130 years ago.
He died of abdominal cancer at the age of 48.
James Clerk Maxwell did many things in science. His most famous achievement was predicting that light was an electromagnetic wave. Maxwell was an assistant to Faraday in providing a mathematical formulation of Faraday's laws. Faraday had no formulas in his works but he was the leading Physicist.
Maxwell's Equations predicted that Light was a form of electromagnetic waves. Maxwell and Weber both noticed that electromagnetic waves moved at the speed of light. Weber saw it as a coincidence, Maxwell with his equations saw them as the same thing.
According to Wikipedia they were John Clerk Maxwell and Frances Maxwell.
maxwell was good at making mathamatical equations
The link has what you are looking for.
James Clerk Maxwell's mother passed away when he was 8. He missed lots of school due to illness. He constantly was moving when he was teaching later in his life.
Edinbergh University
James Clerk Maxwell
James Clerk Maxwell died in die
The only names are James Clerk Maxwell.
James Clerk Maxwell is the author of the Maxwell equations, which are fundamental to our understanding of electromagnetism.
James Clerk Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831.
James Clerk Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831.
James Clerk Maxwell was born and lived in Scotland in the 17th century
John Clerk. His son, James, adopted the name "Maxwell" when James inherited some land from the Maxwell family.
James Clerk Maxwell died on November 5, 1879 at the age of 48.
According to Wikipedia they were John Clerk Maxwell and Frances Maxwell.
James Clerk Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831.
james clerk maxwell did not invent anything but, he created theories