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Q: Irelands decision to adopt the euro resulted in a rise in?
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Related questions

When will the UK adopt the Euro?

There are no plans to adopt the Euro in the UK.

How does Ireland's currency relate to the Canadian dollar?

Irelands currency is the Euro, which is stronger.

What is irelands currency compared to the US?

Ireland uses the Euro so at the moment $1.3340 USD = 1 EURO

Did Latvia adopt the Euro?


Is Irelands money worth more than US money?

Euro is worth more then dollar.

Did Czech republic adopt the euro in 1999?

It did NOT. Even now we do not have euro :)

Does Britain us the Euro as currency?

No. The UK refuses to adopt the Euro and refuses to accept the Euro.

Did Spain adopt the Euro?


When will Britain adopt euro?

Britain will proably adopt the Euro at some time, however they have opted not to use it for now. When or if t that will change is unknown.

When did Poland adopt the euro as its currency?

Poland didn't adopt euro currency yet. Poland still uses PLN (Polish New Zloty).

When did Belgium adopt the euro as its currency?

Belgium adopted the Euro in paper and coin in 2002.

When did Spain adopt the euro?

January 1, 1999