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John Standard improved the design for the refrigerator with a patent in June of 1891. Standard was an African American inventor who lived in Newark, New Jersey. He also patented an idea to improve the oil stove.

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Q: Information about John Standard the inventor of the refrigerator?
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What was the John Standard refrigerator invention?

John Standard, African-American inventor, invented patented improvements to the early refrigerator. Please see Related Link for more information.

What are facts about John Standard a black inventor of the refrigerator?

John Standard was an African American inventor from Newark, New Jersey. He invented a better version of the refrigerator in 1891.

Was John Standard an African American?

yes, he was also an inventor who invented the refrigerator.

Who was John Standard?

John Standard was an African-American inventor who patented an improved design for the non-mechanical (ice-filled) refrigerator in 1891.

What are facts about john standard?

John Standard was an African American inventor. In 1891, he invented the improved refrigerator design. He also invented an improved oil stove.

Why did john standard build the refrigirator?

Oh, dude, John Standard didn't actually build the refrigerator himself. He founded the Standard Refrigerator Company in 1913, which later became a part of the American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corporation. So, like, he was more of a business guy than a hands-on inventor. But hey, thanks to him, we have cool places to store our snacks and drinks!

Where was john standard born and where did he live?

The inventor named John Standard was born in New Jersey in July of 1891. He received a patent for his improvements to the refrigerator. In particular, he added cold-air ducts to help improve the freshness of food.

Did john standard invent the refrigerator?

No, John Standard did not invent the refrigerator. The man who invented the refrigerator was named Oliver Evans. He invented the fridge in the year of 1805.

Where can you find A picture of John Standard black inventor? -

Is john standard the inventor married?

He was born in 12345678978 XD

What did John Standard do to the refrigerator?

He added doors and improved the design.

What year was John Standard the inventor born born?

John Standard was born 1891 no it wasnt that was the year he imporved the refrigirator