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The green knight offered that one man from king arthers court could strike him with an ax on the condition that a year and a day later he could return the blow

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Q: In your own words state the challenge that the Green Knight offers to the members of the round table?
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What happen in the green chapel in the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?

In the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain travels to the Green Chapel to fulfill his end of the challenge he accepted from the Green Knight. There, Gawain receives a minor blow from the Green Knight as a test of his courage and honesty. The Green Knight reveals his true identity and commends Gawain for his integrity despite his slight failure.

What 2 things does green knight carry on the story sir Gawain and the green knight?

The Green Knight carries an axe and a sprig of holly in the story "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." The axe signifies the challenge he presents to the knights of King Arthur's court, while the holly symbolizes his magical abilities and ties to nature.

How well does gawain fulfill the green knight challenge?

Gawain fulfills the Green Knight challenge by accepting the strike to his neck and then seeking out the Green Knight a year later to receive the return blow. However, he fails to disclose the green girdle given to him by the lady of the castle, breaking his promise to exchange everything he gained that day with his host.

In sir gawain and the green knight when the green knight first offers his challenge gawain steps in for arthur because?

When the Green Knight first offers his challenge, none of the knights at Camelot are brave (or foolish) enough to accept it. It sounds a bit iffy - and iffy challenges are ones you think twice about.But Arthur is horrified that a challenge has gone unanswered at his Christmas Party (or Hogmanay - whatever): he accepts it himself.Gawain - who is the sensible one (actually everybody is sensible compared to Arthur, the poem calls him child3ered - which probably means childish) tells Arthur that if the King accepts the challenge, and it turns out to be dodgy (which it does) then the death of the King will mean the end of Camelot.Gawain agrees to take the fall, because if the King gets juiced it all goes down the chute.This is a very funny poem - it is a shame that more teachers don't notice that.

What exactly is the green knight's challenge to king Arthur's court?

The Green Knight challenges anyone in King Arthur's court to strike him with an axe, under the condition that the Green Knight is allowed to return the blow in one year's time. This challenge is part of a larger game to test the honor and courage of the knights in the court.

Why did sir gawain go to the green chapel?

Sir Gawain agreed to exchange blows After the green knight called all the knights wimps that no one would agree. to prove he was worthy to be a knight of the round table and the knights were not wimps. He then persuaded Arthur to let him do it.

Which statement would you include in a summary of the first section of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?

In the first section of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the mysterious Green Knight challenges the knights of King Arthur's court to a beheading game. Sir Gawain volunteers to accept the challenge and beheads the Green Knight, who then picks up his decapitated head and reminds Gawain of their agreement to meet again in one year.

What challenge did the green knight offer to the members of the Round Table?

At first, they say nothing. The poet/narrator excuses them, saying that they kept silent out of courtesy. In reality, it would seem they were all afraid. The Green Knight knows this, and he mocks their cowardice. This prompts King Arthur to accept the challenge himself. Sir Gawain stops the king, however, saying that it would be better for him to die than the king. The other knights begin speaking at this point, saying that Sir Gawain is right, and very brave. After that King Authur accepted the challenge and the green knight died.

Why does Gwain consider himself the knight best qualified to accept the Green Knight's challenge?

Not trying to be funny but it was because he was a bad-ass. until Lancelot and Galahad he was like the champion of sorts

Why does the green knight stop his Axe from falling the second time?

The Green Knight stops his axe from falling the second time to challenge Sir Gawain's courage and honor. He is testing Gawain's reaction and resolve to face his impending death, as part of the test set by Morgan le Fay. By stopping the axe and giving Gawain a chance to prepare himself, the Green Knight is evaluating Gawain's ability to live up to the chivalric code.

Does sir Gawain succeed or fail in sir Gawain and the green knight?

Sir Gawain both succeeds and fails in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." He succeeds in facing the Green Knight's challenge and living up to his reputation as a noble knight. However, he also fails in his quest for perfection, as he ultimately succumbs to temptation and lies to protect himself.

Where does Gawain find green knight?

in the green chapel, where the green knight lives.