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Q: In which region of the country did the women's suffrage movement achieve its earliest victories?
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Who are suffagist?

Suffragists were individuals, primarily women, who advocated for women's suffrage, or the right for women to vote. They played a crucial role in the suffrage movement, which sought to achieve political equality for women. Suffragists organized protests, lobbied lawmakers, and raised awareness about women's rights.

What were the republican party recent victories it achieve such as putting members in the senate or house of rep?

republican party recent victories

Why did a stalemate develop on Western front during world war 1?

Because of the overwhelming superiority of the defense upon the attack. Neither side was able to achieve decisive strategic victories that could restart the war of movement.

Why did a stalemate develop on the Western front during World War 1?

Because of the overwhelming superiority of the defense upon the attack. Neither side was able to achieve decisive strategic victories that could restart the war of movement.

When did the US achieve universal suffrage?

the nineteen amendment became part of the U.S constitution on 1920

How did the separate suffrage organizations hope to achieve the goal?

By protesting, going on strikes, etc. Stuff like that.

How was the civil rights movement achieve?

yes it was

What does the term suffrage refers to?

Universal suffrage (also universal adult suffrage, general suffrage or common suffrage) consists of the extension of the right to vote to adult citizens (or subjects) as a whole, though it may also mean extending said right to minors (Demeny voting) and non-citizens. Although suffrage has two necessary components, the right to vote and opportunities to vote, the term universal suffrage is associated only with the right to vote and ignores the other aspect, the frequency that an incumbent government consults the electorate. Where universal suffrage exists, the right to vote is not restricted by race, sex, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, wealth, or social status. Historically, universal suffrage often in fact refers to universal adult male suffrage.

What were two strategies used by the reformers to achieve national suffrage?

1. protest 2. speeches all over about what they believed should happen

Why did the American forces achieve impressive victories in the Mexican American war because?

they made effective use of cavalry and military engineers. apex answer

How do you suppose Victorian ideals clashed with the suffragist movement?

The status of women in the Victorian era is often seen as an illustration of the striking discrepancy between the United Kingdom's national power and wealth. Women did not have suffrage rights, the right to sue, or the right to own property. Many middle-class women disapproved of such radical and violent actions. Yet they, too, spoke up in increasing numbers, demanding votes for women and equality under the law. Still, Parliament refused to grant women's suffrage. Not until 1918 did Parliament finally grant suffrage to women over age 30. Younger women did not win the right to vote for another decade. Women themselves were divided on the issue. Some women opposed suffrage altogether. Queen Victoria, for example, called the suffrage struggle "mad, wicked folly." Even women in favor of suffrage disagreed about how best to achieve it.