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The Monroe Doctrine. See this link:

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Q: In what Document did the US support the independence of LA in 1823?
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What is the most important statement in the declaration of independence?

la la la la la la chocolate rain

What were the significant events in the US diplomacy before 1823?

Some significant events in US diplomacy before 1823 include: The Treaty of Paris in 1783, which ended the American Revolutionary War and established US independence. The Jay Treaty of 1794, which resolved many outstanding issues with Great Britain and helped improve US-British relations. The Treaty of Ghent in 1814, which ended the War of 1812 between the US and Britain and restored pre-war borders. These events helped solidify the early foundations of US diplomacy and foreign relations.

What were the causes and consequences of the American declaration of independence in 1776?

The cause of the Declaration of Independence was the laws and taxes that Britain forced on the colonies. The declaration listed the complaints of the colonists, and declared independence from England. The result was the American War of Independence, in which America was victorious.

Was Don Francisco Miranda the first leader of the Mexican independence?

The struggle for Mexican independence dates back to the conquest of Mexico, when Martín Cortés, son of Hernán Cortés and La Malinche, lead a revolt against the Spanish colonial government in order to fight against the removal of privileges for the conquistadors.

How did the Civil War or the Industrial Revolution affect Kate Chopins writing?

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la lal ala la la la lal la lal la la la l a la la la la la ala la lal lal

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Guy de la Bretaigne was born in 1823.

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La Fayette Grover was born on 1823-11-29.

What is the most important statement in the declaration of independence?

la la la la la la chocolate rain

Cual es la fecha del dia de la independencia?

It means "What is the date of Independence Day "

How do you say Independence Day in spanish?

día de la independencia or día de independencia

El dia de la independencia in English?

"El día de la independencia" translates to "Independence Day" in English.

What has the author Jacques de Cazotte written?

Jacques de Cazotte has written: 'Miranda' -- subject(s): Biography, History, Psychology, Revolutionaries, Venezuela War of Independence, 1810-1823 'Un avocat dans la tourmente' -- subject(s): Trials, litigation, Lawyers, Biography, History


Independence Day

What is the date of La Repuiblica domincanas independence?

The Dominican Republic gained independence from France in 1844.

How do you respond to Cuel es la fecha del Dia de la Independencia?

Cuel (if you meant 'cual' = 'What/which') is the date of Independence Day The answer depends on 'the Independence Day of where?'

Do you have to pay child support in la?

I don't have to pay child support in "la," but you might have to if you have a child who's living there.

What is Independence Day for Mexico?

Dia de la Independencia, celebrated on September 15.