Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina and Georgia were reliant on cash crops.
indigo was the most important ,but also rice and tobbaco were also important.
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
1. Tobacco2. Indigo3. RiceSource: Creating America, A History of the United States :: 8th grade history bookthe 8 book rocks
Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina and Georgia were reliant on cash crops.
the most farming in south Asia is Subsistence Farming
indigo was the most important ,but also rice and tobbaco were also important.
The primary consumers of the cash crops of tropical countries are European countries. Most of these cash crops are exported to them.
During the colonial period the most important agricultural in the south was tobacco.
BEcause thats where the cash crops were. Slaves were needed in the south to work on plantations and pick cotton
cash crops
Cash crops are ones that return money within a short time for the least time and labor.He planted cash crops in most fields, and select longer growing crops in other fields.
During Reconstruction, a new system of farming was developed. The neo-peonage method of using tenant farmers on farms came to be known as sharecropping. The economic devastation of the south led to most of the land being used for cash crops rather than subsistence farming. Cash crops were the traditional antebellum ones like tobacco, cotton, sugar and rice.
Eliza Lucas Pinckney is a South Carolina planter who grew indigo. She developed indigo as one of its most important cash crops.
Sharecroppers and tenant farmers made their living from cash crops.
Most of the land in the south was perfect for farming all year round causing many southerners to be farmers so they could get rich off selling cash crops, which were certain plants that was very high in demand in trade causing it to have a high price when sold like cotton and coffee. With so many farmers in the south exporting crops and very few other jobs making up the south's income it had a big impact on their economy. So when production of cash crops goes up it causes the south's economy and if it goes down so does the economy.