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yes and no it is optional

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Q: In the game of dominos do you have to say domino after set your last domino down?
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What happens when your close to the end of a domino line?

When you are close to the end of a domino line, the last domino in the line will eventually be pushed by the falling domino behind it, causing a chain reaction that will continue until all the dominos have fallen. This demonstrates the principle of potential energy being converted into kinetic energy as the dominos topple over one after the other.

What is the rule if you don't say domino after you set your last domino down?

Only if your caught, you would take 1 more Domino. You don't say it after you set the last one down you say it after you set the second to the last down and have 1 Domino left.

What happened to James monaghan of domino pizza?

After Jim sold out to Tom, Jim went to work for the US Post Office. He later went to work for Norris Industries in Ypsilanti, Michigan as a security guard. That was the last I heard of him and that was in the mid 90's.

How do you get the last hieroglyphic Build-a-Bearville?

When you go into the build-a-bear-workshop in the Townsquare, play the game of Run For Stuffing and in the game you would see the last hieroglyph to fall down and catch it.

When was the last game that the Oregon Ducks haven't gotten a first down in the first quarter of a game?

Thursday Sept 3, 2009 against Boise State.

What was president Eisenhower's belief that the fall of one nation to communism would lead to the fall of others called?

The Domino Theory

How is called the last point of a volleyball game?

The last point of a volleyball game is called the game point. Simple, huh? In the last game of a match, the game point is called the match point.

When is domino day 2011?

There won't be any more Domino Days, because the leading company became bankrupt last year. --> That's actually not true. They couldn't raise enough money in 2010 because of the crisis, but it will be back this year! Unfortunately i don't know the date...

What is the significance of the domino theory?

The notion of Domino Theory is when an event in one country c0uld start similar events in neighbouring countries: When you knock over the first one, what will happen to the last one.

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hWhat was the name of Game's last album?

Do special agents in Balloon Tower defense 5 stay forever?

No sorry they only last for that one game you place them down :P

How long does a bowling game last?

About an hour? It actually depends on how long it takes one person to roll the bowling ball down the lane.