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Segregation or Jim Crow laws.

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Q: In the first half of the 20 century it was not unusual for African American people to have to use different drinking fountains lunch counters and even schools than other Americans. This was known?
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American movements of the 20th century?

20th century, it was not unusual for African American people to have to use different drinking fountains, lunch counters, and even schools than other Americans. This was known as which of the following?

Why in the first half of the 20th century it was not unusual of African Americans to use different drinking fountains lunch counters?

This was due to discrimination and local laws preventing people of color their full civil rights. This included voting. Go see the movie SELMA. It may help you understand.

What is the rule for a rhombus?

It is required to use only the special drinking fountains, lunch counters, schools, and swimming pools that have been provided and are clearly marked for its use.

What were the diner counters like for African-Americans?

Different diners had different counters, wood, formica, plastic-covered wood, tile, linoleum, whatever the owner of a diner wanted or could afford to install. There would have been no general rule between "white only" or what were called "colored" diners.

What are fog counters in yu gi oh?

In Yu-Gi-Oh! there are cards that let you put different types of counters on cards and different counters have different effects on different cards. A "Fog Counter" is just another type of counter and is used by the "Cloudian" cards for a variety of effects.

What is a chaos counter in yu gi oh?

Counters are markers placed on a card, different cards place different types of counters. Counters themselves have no effect unless given one by a card, and that card tells you what it does. Spell Counters are the most common type, and what they 'do' depends on what they are on. Because there are many cards that can place counters, they all have different names, so they don't get mixed up with each other.The card Chaos Zone places counters on itself, and these are called Chaos Counters. The only thing they 'do' is that they can be used for Chaos Zone's other effects. Other cards could potentially place different kinds of counter on Chaos Zone. Magic Reflector places a counter on it - this could not be used for Chaos Zone's effects as it is not a Chaos Counter, which are only placed on Chaos Zone by itself.

Ergonomically what is the optimum height for a kitchen counter?

Ergonomically, the optimum height for kitchen counters is 3 feet, or 36 inches. This can vary however, as people of different heights would require different height counters.

Do exercise equipment calorie counters work?

What really works is exercise, not the built-in calorie counters. They are meant to be estimates; they are not highly accurate for a given individual. People are different, and calories burned will be different from person to person.

What are the different types of counters for bank notes that are available?

There are many different types of counters for bank notes that are available. The main two types count coins and notes, though many machines can count both.

What is the collective noun for counters?

Hmm, is that money counters or store counters. Try a staff of money counters or a row of store counters.

Measuring instruments for the three different states of matter?

Solids: balances Liquids: graduated cylinders, pipettes, graduated containers, liquid counters Gas: gas counters

Yu-Gi-Oh What does an a counter look like?

It varies; there are many different types of counters used in the game, and most don't have visual representations. Spell counters look like the artwork on Pitch-Black Power Stone; A counters look like the artwork on Corruption Cell "A"; and that's about all of the counters that have definite appearances.