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should women use violet tactics to demand the right vote

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Haven Walter

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Q: In the early 20th century the british women's suffrage movement became divided over which question?
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Why was the suffrage movement in the need of new leadership after the turn of the century?

was the suffrage movement in need of new leadership after the turn of the century

Why was the suffrage movement in need of a new leadership after the turn of the Century?

By 1906 all of the Suffrage movement's leaders Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony had died. - See more at:

Why was the suffrage movement in need of new leadership after the turn of the century?

was the suffrage movement in need of new leadership after the turn of the century

What movement wanted to expand voting rights?

Both Women's Suffrage (early 20th century) and the Civil Rights Movement (mid-20th century) attempted to secure voting rights.

Equal rights movement for women how did it evolve?

The equal rights movement was a continuation of the women's suffrage movement of the previous century. Women were still not afforded all the rights that men had.

How was the Ch-artist Movement related to suffrage?

Chartism was a movement for political and social reform in the United Kingdom during the mid-19th century between 1838 and 1848.

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Which best describes an accomplishment of the woman suffrage movement

Describe the two trends in the 19th century that supported the Feminist movement in the US?

In the 19th century, suffrage, or the right to vote, was extended to poor people and African Americans, although with severe limitations for both.

Why did a split occur among feminists in the late nineteenth century?

feminists argued over which political party was most likely to help the suffrage movement.

What were the main reform movements in which many women participated?

Is this about US History? If so, good examples from the 19th century include the Abolitionist movement, aimed at abolishing slavery. Another is the temperance movement, with strong leadership from the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and another is the women's suffrage movement seeking voting rights for women. In the 20th century, the Civil Rights Movement, the feminist movement and the anti-abortion movement are good examples (the latter two frequently opposed each other).

Who was elizabeth cady staton?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an avid abolitionist activist. She was also very active in the women's suffrage movement in the 19th century. She died in 1902.

Which country controlled India in the 19th century?

The United Kingdom or the British held control of India from the 1600's to the middle of the 20th century. At the end of the 19th century an Indian national movement and rebellion began to get serious. After decades of the nationalist movement developing, India gained independence in 1947.