The spelling
Nothing - Department of the Navy is the formal title for the Pentagon division that encompasses the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps. Navy Department is an informal term.
The Difference between the Navy and the Navy Reserves is that Navy is Active duty. This means that naval personnel belong to, work for, and get paid by the Navy 24 hours a day. Navy Reserve personnel are civilians most of the time. They work for the navy 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks out of the year. The rest of the time they lead what ever life they want. The Navy reserves is like the US Navy's savings account of personnel. When they do not have enough people to support a mission, they call navy reserve personnel to active duty to fill in the gaps. Naval Officers commissioned through the NROTC program may receive their commission into the Naval Reserve or the regular Navy. Those in the reserves will serve on active duty for four to six years before being transferred to a reserve unit near where they are going to live. While there are those who go directly to the Naval Reserve right out of BT, the vast majority of Reservists (myself included) are, or were, active duty Navy sailors at some point, most being either officers or NCO's. Individual Reservists can also be called to Temporary Active Duty, in lieu of an entire unit. This is done in cases where the sailor has unique skills or qualifications necessary for the mission requirements.
there is no such answer. when the nine rates were given the opportunity to advance first class petty officers to the rank of chief it was not like they all got promoted that day. it was in many many waves across those rates thus making your question impossible to answer.
All enlisted rates E4through E6 are respectfully called. "Petty Officer".
French navy refers to the specific navy of France. Navy may refer to any countries navy.
army-responsible on land navy-responsible at sea
There's no difference their both under the Department of the Navy.
The spelling
Nothing - Department of the Navy is the formal title for the Pentagon division that encompasses the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps. Navy Department is an informal term.
None, to my knowledge..........................
the spetsnaz Sorry bro, it wasnt Navy SEALs vs. Spetsnaz, it was Green Beret vs. Spetsnaz, and yes there is an incredible difference between Green Beret and the Navy SEALs
"Navy" is a military institution operating on the water, whereas "seaman" refers to a specific grade of military personnel serving aboard a ship or submarine in the Navy. It is kind of like the difference between government and a senator.
The French Fusiliers Marins are part of the navy. Like all other sailors they wear the navy's uniform. You can see a sailor is a fusilier marin by two part of uniform : two crossed rifles on the right sleeve (red for sailors, gold for nco) and in parade unifoem, on the hat, the name of the unit...
. The Board consisted of three senior officers who advised the Secretary of the Navy, while each bureau was responsible for a specific aspect of naval administration.
Master-at-Arms in the Navy are responsible for discipline and law enforcement. There are no MP's in the Navy; the Army's Military Police Corps are largely responsible for the same thing in the Army.
There isn't much of a difference as the Marines are both water and ground based Only major differences are ranks, boot camp is harder in Marines, and Navy is all Sea.