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Tattooed numbers on their skin.

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Q: In addition to stars and colored uniforms what did the Germans do to identify prisoners in concentration camps?
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What did Flossenburg prisoners wear?

Prisoners at Flossenburg wore what prisoners in other concentration camps wore; striped uniforms.

What did the Germans do to identify prisoners in concencentration camps?

tattoos for personal info cross referenced to their files and patches on uniforms for class of prisoner

Do prisoners have to wear uniforms?

Yes, at least for the most part.

Why are uniforms compulsory at schools?

Uniforms are compulsory at schools in order to identify you if you are in that school.

What sort of identification was used on the prisoners?

Prisoners in concentration camps were often tattooed with identification numbers, though they were also identified by their provided registration cards and uniforms with identification badges. Some camps also used colored triangles to categorize prisoners by their supposed "crime" or status, with Jews wearing a yellow triangle.

What do Gypsies where in the World War 2?

During World War 2, many Gypsies were forced to wear uniforms and identification badges in concentration camps to distinguish them from other prisoners. They faced persecution and discrimination by the Nazis for their ethnicity.

Why did the Nazis make the prisoners in holocaust wear uniforms?

It is standard practice to make prisoners wear uniform. I really wouldn't read anything into this.

Were the freemasons being persacuteded by Adolf Hitler?

Yes, the Nazis persecuted Freemasons and often sent them to concentration camps. Within the camps, Freemasons were categorized as political prisoners, and were forced to wear an inverted red triangle on the sleeves of their uniforms.

In addition to keeping uniforms clean treating the clothing with repellent will prevent?

In addition to keeping uniforms clean, treating with clothing repellent will prevent body louse infestations. (FM 4-25.12)

Why were did the pajamas have to be striped in concentration camps?

The uniforms of the inmates in concentration camps did not have to be striped, this was just the design chosen for all camps across the Reich.

What identify the ranks of individual soldiers in the hierarchy of the army?

Patches and ranks shown on uniforms.

Ranks identify the what of individual soldiers in the hierarchy of the army?

Patches and ranks shown on uniforms.